Create User

To create a new user, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application and click on the Administration button.

  • Go to the Partner Administration tab, then to Users.

  • Click the “+” icon to create a new user.

  • Provide the following details: First Name, Last Name, Username, Password, Confirm Password, E-Mail, Mobile Number, and Gender. Click on the Create button.

Create User: Screen Elements

The following details are to be provided to be able to create a new user in the system.

Sr No Screen Element Description
1 First Name Specify the first name of a user.
2 Last Name Specify the last name of a user.
3 Username Specify the username, which will be used to authenticate a user when logging into the system.
4 Password Specify the password, which will be used to authenticate a user when logging into the system.
5 Confirm Password Re-enter the password to confirm it.
6 E-Mail Specify the email address of a user.
7 Mobile Number Specify the mobile number of a user.
8 Gender Specify the gender of a user.
9 Save Click on Save button to save the details of a user.
10 Cancel Click on Cancel button to cancel the details of a user.

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