

This tutorial is intended to give the reader a practical understanding of how to use the Contentserv Onboarding Portal. The goal of the Onboarding Portal is to simplify Supplier Relationship Management for your organization. The Onboarding Portal provides separate PIM systems for each of your partners. Through their PIM, the partner is able to manage all product data to be sent to the main PIM. Compared to using separate systems for partner engagement, bringing your partners into the Contentserv ecosystem has strong benefits:

  • Optimizes Performance
    Tracking the data, you receive help in timely identification of areas that may need improvement; this guarantees optimal performance.
  • Reduces Costs
    Clean, consistent, and connected data has a positive impact on purchasing costs, company data quality, and corporate image. It also helps businesses take informed decisions, align tasks, and find innovative ways to significantly reduce costs.
  • Increases Administrative Efficiencies
    An efficient onboarding process can cut down on the duplication of data and errors. It can also significantly drive administrative efficiencies. Having one central place for all your vendor data can help you manage your relationships with heightened efficiency.
  • Creates Loyal Relationships
    It is difficult to find good vendors and if you are working with them, you should be doing everything you can to empower your relationship with them. A smooth and easy onboarding process helps you build the loyalty you need to keep your vendors a part of your supply chain for a long term.
  • Helps your Brand to stand out
    It is a competitive world - to avoid losing your mindshare with your channel partners, it is important to have an onboarding process that helps your brand to stand out. An onboarding process is an opportunity to educate your vendor what your brand has to offer to their business.

Intended Audience

This Onboarding tutorial is intended for anyone, who is responsible for movement of data in and out of Contentserv.

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