Marketing Experience Management (MxM)


Marketing communication is an important aspect of all businesses. It not only boosts the sales but also transforms the way a business is perceived. One of the old yet most effective forms of marketing communication is using a ‘Flyer’ or ‘Publication’ i.e. a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a public place. This type of marketing is handed out to individuals or sent through the mail to provide information about a product or a service.

This form of marketing communication is relatively cheaper and has proven to be a good return on investment. Also, Publication has a wider audience reach and can be customized as per the market requirement or the occasion. That’s not all, you can also gauge audience reaction by adding flyer numbers, QR codes, and custom URLs. These allow you to monitor how successful your flyer campaign has been.


The MxM module of PXP application allows the marketing and sales teams to plan and prepare publications for their businesses. The overall process can be further sub-divided into the two parts:

  • Preparation
  • Planning


The Preparation step involves creating the constituent templates of the publication. Following templates are created during the preparation step via CS Adobe InDesign DTP plugin and in PXP application.

Product Template

The Product template serves as the basic starting point of the publication and defines the rendering of the Marketing Products in the Publication. The product templates are created in Adobe InDesign tool and are uploaded into PXP application via CS Adobe InDesign DTP plugin.

Document Template

The document template defines the layout and pages of the publication. It may contain guides, styles, page attribute placeholders, static elements, and so on. The document templates are created in Adobe InDesign tool and are uploaded into PXP application via CS Adobe InDesign DTP plugin. Once the document templates are uploaded in the PXP application, you can use Whiteboard Editor to define and tag slots, which can be later used to plan products during the planning phase.

Publication Template

The publication templates define the overall structure of the Publication. It is composed of several document templates that share common settings, features, and design elements. The Publication Templates are created in the PXP application using the document templates.

Each of this stage will evolve with inputs from the planner(s) and the designer(s). A feedback related to the design, positioning and elements placement would go to and fro before the final publication template is readied.


The next step is to plan the Marketing Products in the documents (slot structure). During the planning phase, the planner (usually, the product manager) plans the Marketing Products, Promotions, Media Assets in the Publication documents.

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