
An attribute is a data field that describes a product. It is a characteristic or property of a component that can only have one value at a time. The properties that are preceded with an ‘A’ icon are the attributes.

There are different types of attributes that are available in the system:
  • Calculated
  • Concatenated
  • Date
  • HTML
  • Measurement
  • Number
  • Price
  • Standard Attribute
  • Text


A calculated attribute is a read-only field whose value is based on a specified formula that derives values from other defined attributes. This attribute stores the calculation of two or more numbers. By definition, one can define a formula for this type of attribute and the value of an attribute will be calculated based on this defined formula.



A manufacturer wants to give 10 percent discount on the selling price of a chair. He can define the formula to apply a 10 percent discount on the selling price using a Calculated attribute. The attribute value will be based on the calculation of the defined formula and the attributes that have been used.


This feature is used to concatenate two or more attributes to form one new attribute. It is used to combine related values together that will produce a single value of a new attribute.



We want to show the physical address of a user. The user sets the details in different fields and We can combine different attributes like State, City, and Zip Code to get the complete address of a user.

Two different attributes containing the first name and last name of a user are available in the system. Supplier wants to show the full name of a user. He will use Concatenated attribute to combine the first name and last name, displaying the full name of the user.


Date attribute is used to store different types of dates in the system; examples are Manufacturing date, Expiry date, Due date, and so on. In runtime, the attributes will have a calendar popup for the date picker.




A manufacturer wants to specify the release date of a product. He can use the Date attribute to set the release date of the product in the product information page.


This attribute is used to store text in the system. The advantage in using this attribute type is that a user can modify the behavior of a text using different HTML attributes like Bold, Italic, Underline, Font Size, Font Family, and so on. By default, the attribute value can have a maximum of 999 characters. However, a user can manually change the maximum number of characters that an attribute value can accommodate.




A manufacturer wants to create a new product. He wants to add a description and highlight some texts in bold letters to put emphasis. He can create a new attribute in the system using the HTML attribute and he can also apply the bold style to this attribute.


This attribute can be used to set different types of measurement attributes to be managed in the system. Some examples of different types of measurement attributes are: Length, Width, Volume, Speed, Power, Density, and so on. Once set as a measurement, the appropriate unit can be attached to the value of the attribute.



A furniture manufacturer wants to define the height and width of a cupboard. He can define the height and width in the system using the Measurement attribute. He can then also set the unit of measurement.


This attribute is used to save any type of number value in the system. Once set to a number type, the system can validate the information in the field and check that the numbers have been entered. A default value can also be provided.



A furniture manufacturer wants to define the GTIN value for his product. He can define the GTIN value using the Number attribute.


This attribute is used to save any type of price in a system like List price, Minimum price, Maximum price, Retail price, Selling price, and so on. Similar to the Number attribute, the system will check that numbers are the only values to be provided. In addition, the Price attribute allows a user to define the currency in which the price value is displayed like Euro, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, Indian Rupee, Canadian Dollar, and so on.



A manufacturer wants to display the selling price of all the products in Euro. He can then set up a price attribute and define Euro as the unit.

Standard Attribute

Standard Attributes are the system-generated attributes. The system automatically generates these attributes and may be available in the system, by default. The most frequently used or common attributes across the system are generated by default for the convenience of the user.



A manufacturer wants to display the Product description, GTIN, and Discount for all the products. He can define these attributes as Standard Attributes for his convenience.


This attribute is used to store text in the system. There is no limit or restriction on the number of characters for Text attributes. It can accommodate any number of characters as the attribute value.



A manufacturer wants to show the key features of a sofa set. He can create the Text attribute to define the features of a sofa set.

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